
Birthday wishes and greetings

My birthday had passed and had received well wishes from frens and family members.

This year's birthday was a simple affair due to the change in my current work situation and decided to take leave to celebrate.

This pressie was from S and he continued the tradition of buying gifts from Agnes B. The cardholder will join this collection. However, I had not use it.

S commented that I didnt use the leather tote that he had bought for my birthday last year. I told him I didnt feel that my current status is suitable for it. No, I'm not ashamed of the gift just that I didnt feel right.

Dont wanna make judgement on people. Sometimes, I do think that certain brands are more suitable for certain age groups. Yes, there are some successful young working people carry the traditional brands.

Well, I simply cant put my finger on this.

An example is Chanel 2.55. There are some young ladies who carry Chanel 2.55 bags. Some people would think that this is a fake coz of their age though what they carry is genuine. However, it will be different if these bags are carried by mature ladies.

Guess there are many fakes are flouting the market and there are some well-to-do kids who can afford such luxurious products. Many times, we find it strange for young kids to carry brands that some working class scrimp and save for several months just to get the desired IT bag.

The other factor is the environment such as media is pushing such lifestyle and many people are embracing this type of lifestyle. Unfortunately, money is limited and they usually maxi-out their credit card to upkeep this image. Dress to impress people that they meet them once and never again.

At the end, (IMHO) I do think that there are certain products for certain age groups. There is no hurry to get these products coz certain products will compliment and associate the age accordingly.

Below is the pressie from SL.

Picture by Mode Attitude Culture

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