
Do you carry a copy or inspired?

This is the article that prompt me to write this entry.

Writing this entry, I maybe facing the critics of many people and some ladies will remain very coy about having copies or inspired of the branded stuff or even perhaps some items dont exist in the 'original' traditional brands of the likes of double Cs, the L and V, etc ~ you get the idea.

The prices of copies definitely cost a fraction of the original and the quality is getting better. You will be surprised when you look at the details, even connoisseurs of the traditional brands cant tell a difference.

I'm not condoning such actions but this is the FACT! I understand that such actions will also mean piracy and supporting those who pay 'sweatshop' wages to workers. Deep down inside, all of us know somebody who uses inspired bags and shoes to present their tastes to the rest of the world. Dun think that we are all saints?

For a working girl like me, how much is my salary gonna be devoted to 'worship' the next IT bag? Can you imagine I've to change 4 bags for each season? Hence, another alternative is 'renting' the IT bags at a certain subscription. Sounds good...but IT will not be yours forever! You will be tired of this bag till the next season.

Personally, I dun believe in dressing head-to-toe with branded stuff. People often lose sight in this and think that people will 'kowtow' if one wears such outfit. I do know of people who starve themselves or do something foolish for the IT bag, clothes or shoes.

To me, I know the following sentence will sound cliche. At the end, what you feel comfortable and spend within your means especially during these unpredicted times.

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